This is the place where every person wants to enjoy his life.This is the place where you find different people from different background live their life.This is the place where people want to make something out of them.This is the place where people in local train fight for few seconds,and again comeback back to normal state.This is the place where in crowded BEST buses,whenever a lady is standing next to a man,teenager , the person gently offers her a seat.(Atleast 40% men give their seat to a lady, thinking what if my wife ,daughter,mother would had been in her place).This is the place where there are number of festivals celebrated in a year.This is the place where people don’t ever care for other person, but at the same time like Floods,Bomb-Blast they are ready to help them.
This is the place where Rich are becoming Richer and Poor are becoming Poorer. This is the place where a person flaunt about his Networks in various places.This is the place where a son,daughter kill their parents just for money.This is the place where people are never satisfied when there is shortage of water, they cry…… when flooded ,they cry and die. This is the place where people don’t take initiative, thinking other people will do it. This is the place where pickpocketers looks like office-goers.This is the place where there are Bomb-Blast,Floods ,Fights between communities,Blame-game happens..But still the next day,daily routine continues.This is the place where people forgive everything as to what happened yesterday.This is the place where people change their biological clock for earning money..This is the place where lies are been said very confidently…((for e.g A person has to reach thane station in 10 minutes,that person gets a call from his Boss,wife,friend etc….what instantly comes from his mouth is that he will be reaching thane in 5 minutes, even when he would be at kurla station))….strange!!!...
I have done this thing to……
This is the place where everyone wants to become rich and famous within minutes.This is the place where people are ready to show talent anytime, anyplace, contemplating if some director ,actor or some famous person will come and offer him/her a role.As these things had happened with many people..This is the place where, if one person try to do something for the society, others oppose him/her by giving silly excuses..This is the place where people at night fight for Car-parking..This is the place where one person don’t trust the other one..
This is the place “ Where there is money,there is a way !!! ”